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Table of contents – archive
Periodical specialising in court enforcement proceedings in civil cases

Table of contents – archive
PPE 4/2024
Overlap of Judicial Enforcements of Remuneration for Work – Remarks Regarding Continuity of Seizure of Remuneration
Anna Kościółek, Andrzej Marciniak
A Complaint in Enforcement Proceedings in Civil Cases under Art. 767(4) of the Civil Procedure Code – the Assessment of a Legal Regulation
Agnieszka Laskowska-Hulisz
Basis of and Principles for Estimating the Value of a Real Property for Enforcement Purposes
Maria Trojanek
Execution of Expectancy Cooperative Ownership Right to Premises
Andrzej Jan Szereda
Notarial Disposal of Real Property in the Course of Judicial Enforcement – Practical Issues
Marta Anna Nowocień
Seizure of Rights to Use an Internet Domain and a Right to a Website
Oliwer Nowicki
Comment on the Resolution of the Supreme Court of 25 October 2023 (III CZP 2/23)
Bartosz Buniowski
Course of Cases and Effectiveness of Judicial Enforcement 2006–2023
Lech Kujawski
PPE 3/2024
Confluence of Enforcement Proceedings and Injunctive Relief
Józef Jagieła
Deficiencies in the Composition of the Party’s Bodies in Judicial Enforcement Proceedings
Marcin Dziurda
Public-Legal Receivables as the Object of Court Enforcement in Poland and Austria
Agnieszka Krawczyk
Judicial Supervision of the Court over Electronic Real Property Auctions
Arkadiusz Sadza
Enforcement Based on a Court Decision Issued as a Result of the Examination of Actio Pauliana – Selected Issues
Grzegorz Kamieński
A Debtor Lodging a Security and a Court Defining Amounts Necessary to Meet Ongoing Needs. Comments Based on Art. 821 § 1 of the Civil Procedure Code and Art. 821(1) of the Civil Procedure Code
Jakub Bródka
Report on the Actual State of Affairs as a Way of Securing “Evidence from the Internet”
Karolina Badurowicz
Service of the First Pleading by the Court Bailiff in Non-procedural Proceedings
Joanna Kruk
The Professional Body of Judicial Officers between Crisis and Development – Selected Aspects of the System of Financing the Professional Corporation of Judicial Officers
Monika Janus
PPE 2/2024
Court Enforcement of an Irreplaceable Act A.D. 2024 – Selected De Lege Lata and De Lege Ferenda Issues
Andrzej Jakubecki
Combination of Several Judicial Enforcement Proceedings Conducted Against Real Property. Selected Issues
Józef Jagieła
The Oppressiveness of Judicial Enforcement Against Real Estate as a Basis for Refusing to Initiate It
Ireneusz Wolwiak
The System of Appeals in Polish Civil Procedural and Enforcement Proceedings (from the Former to the Current Code of Civil Procedure)
Joanna Bodio
Scope of Seizure of Real Property in Judicial Enforcement Proceedings
Joanna Derlatka
New Regulations on Certificates that Concern Rulings of Polish Courts in Matters Covered by Regulation Brussels II ter (art. 795(11a)–795(11c) Code of Civil Proceedings)
Bartosz Trocha
Possibility of the Active Use of Mediation in Enforcement Proceedings
Neringa Gaubienė, Kristina Pranevičienė
Review of the Case Law of the Supreme Court for the Year 2023 Concerning Judicial Enforcement Proceedings in Civil Matters
Agnieszka Laskowska-Hulisz, Arnold Pustkowski
PPE 1/2024
Foreword by the Editor-in-Chief
Court Enforcement Against Several Real Properties of a Debtor that Constitute an Economic Whole
Andrzej Jarocha
The Mechanism of a Creditor Joining Enforcement Proceedings Through a Real Estate Attachment
Tadeusz Zembrzuski
Securing Future Maintenance Benefits in the Plan for Distribution of Amounts Obtained from Enforcement
Anna Kościółek
Court Enforcement Against Real Property and Public Confidence Warranty of Land and Mortgage Register
Jakub Biernat
Enforcement of Cash Benefits from Virtual Entities
Filip Manikowski
Selected Issues in Enforcement of Duty to Vacate Unit Under Occasional Rent
Justyna Sadowska
Keeping a Deadline for Filing a Pleading, Reopening Suspended Proceedings, Granting Costs of a Mediator, Mediation Protocol and Settlement Executed Before a Mediator. Comment on art. 165, 181, 183(5), 183(13) and 183(14) of the Code of Civil Proceedings, Amended with the Act of 9 March 2023
Ireneusz Kunicki
The Basis for Entry in the Land and Mortgage Register of a Mortgage Created by Operation of Law itself (Article 1037 § 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure). Comment on the Resolution of the Supreme Court of June 7, 2023, III CZP 153/22
Grzegorz Wolak
Review of the Case Law of the Supreme Court for the Year 2022 Concerning Judicial Enforcement Proceedings in Civil Matters
Agnieszka Laskowska-Hulisz
Creating Simple and Effective Civil Proceedings from Obtaining an Enforcement Order to Enforcement: Legislative, Doctrinal and Jurisprudential Solutions International Academic Conference, Konstanz, 5–6 October 2023
Małgorzata Pędziszczak
The reviewers of ”Law Enforcement Review” for 2023
PPE 12/2023
Bank Account Seizure and an Overdraft
dr hab. Artur Nowacki, prof. at the University of Warsaw, Department of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law and Administration University of Warsaw
Regulation of the Division of Responsibility Between the Replaced Bailiff and His Deputy in art. 50 u.k.s.
dr Grzegorz Kamieński, Angelus Silesius Academy of Applied Sciences in Wałbrzych
Requirement of Being Up-to-Date of the Valuation Report in Enforcement Proceedings
Michał Najman, PhD student at the Department of Politics and Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration University of Lodz
Servicing a Letter Via a Bailiff, Recognising a Case in Camera Hearing and Instruction of parties. Comment on art. 1392, 1481 and 1561 of the Code of Civil Proceedings Amended with the Act of 9 March 2023
dr hab. Ireneusz Kunicki, prof. at the University of Lodz, Department of Civil Procedure of the 2nd Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz
PPE 11/2023
Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in Africa – 30 Years of OHADA. Strengths, Weaknesses and Opportunities
dr Jarosław Pączek, advocate, full member of the Royal Institute of Arbitrators in London
Admissibility of Determining a Relative Fee under Art. 30 Act on Bailiff Costs in Case of Refusal to Initiate Enforcement
dr Joanna Szachta, lawyer in a bailiff's office
Gloss on Judgement of the Court of Appeal in Warsaw of 8 April 2022, II AKa 266/21
dr hab. Zygmunt Kukuła, researcher at the University of Applied Sciences Administration in Bielsko-Biała; Police officer
Serving Court Letters. Commentary on Art. 133, 135, 136, 139 and 1391 of the Code of Civil Proceedings Amended with the Act of 9 March 2023
dr hab. Ireneusz Kunicki, prof. at the University of Lodz, Department of Civil Procedure of the 2nd Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz
PPE 10/2023
Memories of Professor Janusz Jankowski
prof. dr hab. Sławomir Cieślak, Head of the Department Civil Procedure of the 1st Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz
Reasons Justifying the Appointment of a Short-Term Deputy Bailiff
dr Grzegorz Kamieński, Angelus Silesius Academy of Applied Sciences in Wałbrzych
On Admissibility of an Extraordinary Complaint Against Valid Rulings that Close Proceedings in a Case Issued in Enforcement Proceedings – Part 2
dr Monika Ged, legal advisor (OIRP in Gdańsk)
Serving Court Correspondence to a Defendant Via a Bailiff after Changes Introduced under the Act of 9 March 2023 Amending the Act – Code of Civil Proceedings and Certain other Laws
dr Łukasz Zamojski, judge of the District Court in Gliwice
Advocate or Attorney at Law Appointed by Court, Pleadings and Service. Comment on art. 118, 126, 1281, 1301a and 132 of the Code of Civil Proceedings Amended with the Act of 9 March 2023
dr hab. Ireneusz Kunicki, prof. at the University of Lodz, Department of Civil Procedure of the 2nd Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz
PPE 9/2023
On Admissibility of an Extraordinary Complaint Against Valid Rulings that Close Proceedings in a Case Issued in Enforcement Proceedings – Part 1
dr Monika Ged, legal advisor (OIRP in Gdańsk)
Assessing the Rationale for an Application of a Creditor for Suspending Enforcement Proceedings with an Application for Revoking Closed Seizures. Analysis of Responding to an Application by an Enforcement Authority
dr Joanna Szachta, lawyer in a bailiff's office
Proceedings for Securing Inheritance
Kacper Szczechowicz, bailiff assessor, Chamber of Bailiffs in Lodz
Costs of Proceedings and Costs of Mediation. Commentary on Art. 98 and 981 of the Code of Civil Proceedings Amended with the Act of 9 March 2023
dr hab. Ireneusz Kunicki, prof. at the University of Lodz, Department of Civil Procedure of the 2nd Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz
PPE 8/2023
Bringing an Action by a Foreign Entity and Bailiff’s Service – Comments on Art. 1392 of the Code of Civil Proceedings
dr Bartosz Trocha, legal advisor (OIRP in Lodz)
Extending a Deadline for Paying a Price for the Purchase of Real Estate (art. 967 of the Code of Civil Proceedings)
Mateusz Pietrzyk, judge of the District Court in Chrzanów
Indicating the Assets of Co-Debtor as a Premise for Releasing a Third Party from the Effects of an Actio Pauliana
dr Łukasz Kamiński, legal advisor (OIRP in Gdańsk)
Piotr Kamiński, fifth-year law student at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk
Power of Attorney for Services and Power of Attorney in Court. Comment on Art. 88 and 91 of the Code of Civil Proceedings Amended with the Act of 9 March 2023
dr hab. Ireneusz Kunicki, prof. at the University of Lodz, Department of Civil Procedure of the 2nd Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz
PPE 7/2023
Digital Transformation of Enforcement Procedures of Court Decisions and the Search for Efficiency
Neringa Gaubienė PhD, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University, Lithuania
Analysis of Rights and Mutual Relations of Authorities Supervising a Court Bailiff and the Character of a Court Bailiff’s Disciplinary Liability – Outline of the Problem
Jakub Bródka, fourth-year law student at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk
Excluding a Judge, Representing a Party and Appointing a Representative ad Litem. Comments on Articles 531, 68 and 87 of the Civil Procedural Code, as Amended by the Act of 9 March 2023
dr hab. Ireneusz Kunicki, prof. at the University of Lodz, Department of Civil Procedure of the 2nd Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz
A Voice in the Discussion Concerning an Issue Whether the Debtor’s Death is an Example of an Obviously Aimless Initiation of Enforcement Procedures
dr hab. Monika Michalska-Marciniak, prof. at the University of Lodz, Department of Civil Procedure of the 2nd Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz, judge of the Court of Appeal in Lodz
PPE 6/2023
Refusal to Initiate Judicial Enforcement after the March 9, 2023 Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure – Selected Issues
dr hab. Andrzej Olaś, Department of Civil Procedure, Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, advocate
Actio Pauliana – Legal Remedy Against the Disposition of the Property Forming Part of the Joint Property of the Spouses
Marek Kułak, advocate at the Katowice Bar Association
Gloss to the Judgement of the Court of Appeal in Gdańsk of 13 May 2021
dr hab. Zygmunt Kukuła, researcher at the University of Applied Sciences Administration in Bielsko-Biała; Police officer
Subject-Matter Competence of Court and Judge Exclusion. Introduction to and Comment on Provisions of art. 17 and 49 Code of Civil Proceedings Amended with the Act of 9 March 2023
Subject-Matter Competence of Court and Judge Exclusion. Introduction to and Comment on Provisions of art. 17 and 49 Code of Civil Proceedings Amended with the Act of 9 March 2023
PPE 5/2023
Selected Limitations to Debt Collection from Real Properties Based on Art. 829 of the Civil Procedure Code – Part 2
dr Urszula Moszczyńska, 14th-year judicial trainee at the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution
Additional Description and Estimation of Real Estate – Selected Problems
dr Joanna Szachta, lawyer in a bailiff's office
New Model and Rules of Recruiting for Apprenticeship after Amendments Introduced with the Act of 22 March 2018 on Court Bailiffs – Selected Issues
Marta Pawłowska, participant of a legal doctoral seminar at the Leon Koźmiński University in Warsaw, lawyer in a bailiff's office
Gloss to the Judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw of August 9, 2022, VI SA/Wa 1196/22
dr Cezary Paweł Waldziński, Academy of Applied Sciences in Łomża, judge of the District Court in Łomża
PPE 4/2023
The Right to Assist in the Enforcement Actions of the Court Enforcement Officers in Judical Enforcement Proceedings
dr hab. Andrzej Olaś, Department of Conduct Civil Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, advocate
Selected Limitations to Debt Collection from Real Properties Based on Art. 829 of the Civil Procedure Code – Part 1
Selected Limitations to Debt Collection from Real Properties Based on Art. 829 of the Civil Procedure Code – Part 1
Is the Creditor’s Interest a Public Interest?
dr Grzegorz Kamieński, Angelus Silesius Academy of Applied Sciences in Wałbrzych
Does the Sale of Real Properties by Electronic Auction Allow for Faster Debt Collection?
dr Arkadiusz Sadza, Department of Civil Procedure and International Commercial Law, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, judge of the Lublin-Zachód District Court in Lublin
PPE 3/2023
Cost of electronic Delivery Recognised as a Bailiff’s Expense
dr hab. Marcin Uliasz, judge of the Lublin-Zachód District Court in Lublin
Evolution of the Provisions on Complaints in Judicial Enforcement Proceedings and the Devolutive Model of Complaint Proceedings
dr Joanna Derlatka, Department of Civil and Labor Law Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
Enforcement Fee Payable if the Enforceable Title Fails
Mateusz Pietrzyk, judge of the District Court in Chrzanów
Enforcement Fee in Case of Initiation of Enforcement after the Debtor’s Death. Gloss to the Resolution of the Supreme Court of 27 January 2022, III CZP 36/22
Piotr Blus, judge of the District Court for Warsaw-Wola in Warsaw, Deputy Chairman of the 2nd Civil Department
dr Paweł Sławicki, judge of the District Court for Warsaw Praga-Południe in Warsaw, Deputy Chairman of the 1st Civil Department
PPE 2/2023
Exclusion of Entities from Bids under Court Enforcement Proceedings
dr hab. Michał Krakowiak, prof. at the University of Lodz, Department of Civil Procedure of the 1st Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz
Immunity from Execution
Kacper Szczechowicz, bailiff assessor, Chamber of Bailiffs in Lodz
The Term of an Unambiguous Written Proof – Comments Based on Art. 822 of the Civil Procedure Code and Art. 845 § 22 of the Civil Procedure Code
Antoni Żukowski, the author has completed a lawyer’s apprenticeship (ORA in Warsaw)
Limitation of the Claim and Obviously Aimless Initiation of Enforcement Proceedings. Gloss to the Resolution of the Supreme Court of April 26, 2022, III CZP 91/22
prof. dr hab. Sławomir Cieślak, Head of the Department Civil Procedure of the 1st Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz (affiliation); Head of the Center for Research on the Axiology of Civil Procedures University of Lodz; honorary professor ordinary at the Department of Civil Procedure Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University
PPE 1/2023
Purchase of Real Property by Foreigners in Bailiff Auctions
Kacper Szczechowicz, bailiff assessor, Chamber of Bailiffs in Lodz
Collection of Debts from Wages – Selected Problems and Issues
Marta Pawłowska, participant in a legal seminar doctoral studies at the Kozminski University in Warsaw; lawyer in a bailiff’s office
Claiming the Statute of Limitations in Proceedings for Re-issuing an Enforcement Title Instead of a Lost One. Gloss to the Resolution of the Supreme Court of April 7, 2022, III CZP 44/22
dr hab. Grzegorz Wolak, prof. WSPiA of the Rzeszów School of Higher Education with its registered office in Rzeszów; judge of the District Court in Tarnobrzeg
Gloss to the Resolution of the Supreme Court of 28 January 2022, III CZP 21/22
Paweł Bieżuński, legal counsel
PPE 12/2022
A Few Remarks on the Interpretation of Art. 19 Paragraph 1 of the Bailiffs Act
dr Cezary Paweł Waldziński, assistant professor at the Academy of Applied Sciences in Łomża; judge of the District Court in Łomża
“Intra-EU Objection” Does “Incompatible” Always Equal “Inapplicable”? Mainstream v. Germany – a New Chapter of an Old Story
dr Jarosław Pączek, advocate, full member of the Royal Institute of Arbitrators in London
Between Volatility and Reasonableness – Publicisation of Court Enforcement (Part 2). Analysis and Assessment of Selected Legislative Changes in the Period of 2015–2018
Jakub Bródka, student of the fourth year of law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk
The Gloss to the Resolution of the Supreme Court of October 7, 2021, III CZP 52/20
dr Joanna May, Department of Commercial Law, Maritime Law and Civil Procedure of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
PPE 11/2022
Appeals in Enforcement Proceedings – De Lege Lata and De Lege Ferenda Conclusions
dr Grzegorz Kamieński, Angelus Silesius Academy of Applied Sciences in Wałbrzych
Debtor’s Dignity. The Idea of Human Dignity and Limitations of Judicial Enforcement
Tomasz Chojnacki, court bailiff at the District Court in Oborniki
Between Volatility and Reasonableness – Privatization of Court Enforcement (Part 1). Analysis and Assessment of Selected Legislation Amendments in 1997–2015
Jakub Bródka, student of the fourth year of law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk
Declaration of Debtor’s Bankruptcy and a Possibility to Adjudicate Ownership of Real Estate (or Usufruct). Gloss on Resolution of the Supreme Court of 18 November 2021, III CZP 77/20
dr hab. Grzegorz Wolak, prof. WSPiA of the Rzeszów School of Higher Education with its registered office in Rzeszów; judge of the District Court in Tarnobrzeg
PPE 10/2022
Search for Debtor’s Property with ICT Tools and its Seizure in Enforcement of Cash Allowances as Exemplified in Italian Enforcement Law
dr hab. Michał Krakowiak, prof. at the University of Lodz, Department of Civil Procedure of the 1st Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz
Duty to Notify Debtor of an Attached Claim of Discontinuation of Enforcement Proceedings (Art. 826 § 2 Civil Proceedings Code)
dr Joanna Szachta, lawyer in a bailiff’s office
Forgotten Regulation – art. 779 § 1 Civil Proceedings Code (Enforcement against Inheritance)
Mateusz Pietrzyk, judge of the District Court in Chrzanów
Bailiff’s Service. Postulates de lege ferenda
Joanna Lipińska, PhD student at the Department of Proceedings Civil Department of the 2nd Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz, advocate
PPE 9/2022
Legal Regulation and Scope of Applying Electronic Auction of Real Property
dr hab. Ireneusz Kunicki, prof. at the University of Lodz, Department of Civil Procedure of the 2nd Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz
Analysis of Reasonableness of Determining a Final Fee by a Bailiff in a Situation Where a Creditor is an Entity Exempt from this Fee
dr Joanna Szachta, lawyer in a bailiff’s office
Electronic Bidding as the Basic Method of Selling Things in Enforcement Proceedings – De Lege Ferenda Conclusions
dr Grzegorz Kamieński, Angelus Silesius State University in Wałbrzych
Enforcement Against Real Property in a Simplified Procedure
Kacper Szczechowicz, bailiff assessor, Chamber of Bailiffs in Lodz
PPE 8/2022
Penal Liability for Crime of Favouring a Creditor and its Exclusion when Repaying Preferred Liabilities
dr hab. Zygmunt Kukuła, researcher at the Higher School of Administration in Bielsko-Biała; police officer
Admissibility and Legal Nature of a Complaint in Clause Proceedings
Anna Jaroniewska, lawyer in a law firm
Analysis of Long-Term Replacement Exemplified in Art. 19(1)(2) of the Act on Bailiffs – Practical Problems
Marta Pawłowska, participant in a legal seminar doctoral studies at the Kozminski University in Warsaw; lawyer in a bailiff’s office
Gloss on the Resolution of the Supreme Court of 2 February 2022, III CZP 32/22 (Partly Critical)
Mateusz Pietrzyk, judge of the District Court in Chrzanów
PPE 7/2022
Selected Comments on Art. 827 § 1 Code of Civil Proceedings
dr Janusz Nowak, court bailiff at the District Court in Tarnów
Dismissal of a Bailiff – Practical Aspects
Marta Pawłowska, participant in a legal seminar doctoral studies at the Kozminski University in Warsaw; lawyer in a bailiff’s office
Execution of Court Orders by Diplomatic and Consular Institutions of Ukraine: Legislative and Practical Review
Svitlana Belikova, Candidate of Juridical Sciences (PhD); Senior Counselor of Justice, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, assistant consultant, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mykola Mishchuk, Candidate of Juridical Sciences (PhD); Honoured lawyer of Ukraine, Associate Professor of Legal Support of Business Security Department, State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
Competence of Court to Examine a Complaint about a Ruling of a Chairperson in the First Instance Court on the Return of a Request for an Injunctive Relief. Gloss on the Resolution of the Supreme Court of 9 November 2021 (III CZP 69/20)
Marek Lewandowski, judge of the District Court in Toruń
PPE 6/2022
The Impact of Proceedings for Approval of an Arrangement with an Announcement on Enforcement Proceedings
dr Karolina Ochocińska, legal counsel
Obvious Aimlessness of Initiating Enforcement Proceedings in Case of Debtor’s Death before Initiating the Proceedings
Monika Dziewulska, PhD student at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
The Issue of Collecting a Fee from the Social Insurance Institution under Art. 29(4) of the Act of 28 February 2018 on Bailiff Costs
Mateusz Pietrzyk, judge of the District Court in Chrzanów
The Adjudication of Ownership of the Real Estate after Final Declaration of the Debtor’s Bankruptcy. Gloss to the Resolution of the Supreme Court of November 18, 2021 (III CZP 77/20)
prof. dr hab. Sławomir Cieślak, Head of the Department Civil Procedure of the 1st Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz (affiliation); Head of the Center for Research on the Axiology of Civil Procedures University of Lodz; honorary professor ordinary at the Department of Civil Procedure Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University
Report of the 3rd Polish Axiological Conference ‘Axiology of Court Enforcement – in Search of Optimum Level of Protecting Rights of Creditor and Debtor in Enforcement and Bankruptcy Proceedings’ (Łódź, 8 April 2022/online)
Szymon Śniady, PhD student at the Department of Civil Procedure of the 1st Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz, assessor of the District Court for Lodz-Widzew in Lodz
PPE 5/2022
Enforcement Privileges of a Debtor who Carries on a Business Activity
dr hab. Aneta Łazarska, lecturer at the Lazarski University, judge of the District Court in Warsaw
About the Application of Regulations of the Code of Civil Proceedings Amended with the Act of 10 July 2015 on the Progress of Enforcement Against Real Estate and the Division of Sums Obtained from Enforcement
dr Arkadiusz Sadza, Department of Civil Procedure and International Commercial Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, judge of the Lublin-West District Court in Lublin
Enforcement of the Duty to Release a Movable Property
Kacper Szczechowicz, bailiff’s trainee apprenticeship, Chamber of Bailiffs in Lodz
Protecting the Right to Own Land Through the Prism of Resolving Land Disputes
Svitlana Belikova, Candidate of Juridical Sciences (PhD), Senior Counselor of Justice, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, assistant consultant, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mykola Mishchuk, Candidate of Juridical Sciences (PhD), Honoured lawyer of Ukraine, Associate Professor of Legal Support of Business Security Department, State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
PPE 4/2022
Justification of a Decision to Approve an Arrangement Before a Mediator and a Decision to Confirm the Enforceability of an Arbitration Court or an Arrangement Made Before it
dr Piotr Sławicki, assistant professor at the Department of Negotiations and Mediation at the Catholic University of Lublin Jana Pawła II; court referendary at the Lublin-West District Court in Lublin
The Process of Determining the Current Address of Residence of the Defendant by the Bailiff Pursuant to Art. 3b of the Act on Court Bailiffs
Joanna Lipińska, PhD student at the Department of Proceedings Civil Department of the 2nd Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz
Judicial Service of Correspondence as a Non-Enforcement Activity of Court Enforcement Officers
Paweł Czyszkowski, PhD student at the Institute of Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Commercial Law of the Faculty of Administrative Law and Economics of the University of Wrocław
Disposal of Real Estate in an Electronic Auction – the Analysis of the Amendment
Martyna Gimlewicz, student of the 5th year of law at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the University of Rzeszów
PPE 3/2022
Konflikty interesów w arbitrażu Dommo, Vidatel oraz Saad – trzy doniosłe wyroki Paryskiego Sądu Apelacyjnego – Wydział Międzynarodowych Spraw Cywilnych
dr Jarosław Pączek, adwokat, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London); Izba Adwokacka w Warszawie
Ograniczenia egzekucji wprowadzone ustawami przeciwdziałającymi skutkom COVID-19
dr Jarosław Pączek, adwokat, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London); Izba Adwokacka w Warszawie
Miarkowanie opłaty egzekucyjnej za egzekucję świadczeń pieniężnych – zagadnienia wybrane
dr Jarosław Pączek, adwokat, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London); Izba Adwokacka w Warszawie
PPE 2/2022
Konflikty interesów w arbitrażu Dommo, Vidatel oraz Saad – trzy doniosłe wyroki Paryskiego Sądu Apelacyjnego – Wydział Międzynarodowych Spraw Cywilnych
dr Jarosław Pączek, adwokat, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London); Izba Adwokacka w Warszawie
PPE 1/2022
Konflikty interesów w arbitrażu Dommo, Vidatel oraz Saad – trzy doniosłe wyroki Paryskiego Sądu Apelacyjnego – Wydział Międzynarodowych Spraw Cywilnych
dr Jarosław Pączek, adwokat, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London); Izba Adwokacka w Warszawie
PPE 12/2021
Axiological Assessment of the Draft Amendment of 26 August 2021 to the Code of Civil Procedure Regarding the General Provisions on Enforcement Proceedings (Ud 156)
prof. dr hab. Sławomir Cieślak, Kierownik Katedry Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego (afiliacja); profesor z tytułem honorowym zwyczajnego w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Impact of the Discontinuation of Enforcement Proceedings Against Real Estate Under Art. 985 § 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure on the Security Granted to the Creditor in the form of Encumbering the Debtor’s Real Estate with a Compulsory Mortgage
dr hab. Grzegorz Wolak, prof. WSPiA Rzeszowskiej Szkoły Wyższej z siedzibą w Rzeszowie, Katedra Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Pracy; sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Tarnobrzegu
Validity of the Arbitration Agreement – a Potential Jurisdictional Challenge. Kabab-Ji SAL versus Kout Food Group – Anglo-French Rivalry or a Bigger Unresolved Issue?
dr Jarosław Pączek, adwokat, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London); Izba Adwokacka w Warszawie
Service of Court Mail via Bailiff – Practical Comments
Michał Iżel, doktorant w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 11/2021
About Unacceptable Fragmentation of Enforcement Proceedings (Selected Issues Based on Complaint of Gniado vs. Poland)
Marek Lewandowski, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Toruniu
Enforcement Fees in Case of Discontinuing Proceedings upon Request of a Creditor or under Art. 824 § 1(4) Code of Civil Proceedings after 1 January 2019
Michał Iżel, doktorant w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Serving Documents by Bailiffs – Selected Issues
Joanna Szachta, doktorantka w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie; prawnik w kancelarii komorniczej
Gloss to the Resolution of Seven Judges of the Supreme Court Dated 9 March 2021 (III CZP 89/19). Issue of Appropriate Application of Regulations on Injunction Proceedings Against Persons with Mental Disorders
Daniel Kawecki, doktorant w Wyższej Szkole Prawa i Administracji w Rzeszowie
PPE 10/2021
About Formal Requirements for a Complaint About Excessive Duration of Civil Proceedings
Marek Lewandowski, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Toruniu
Hearing a Creditor in Light of art. 801 § 4 Code of Civil Proceedings
Joanna Szachta, doktorantka w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie; prawnik w kancelarii komorniczej
Attorney in Enforcement Proceedings
Tomasz Orlik, uczestnik seminarium doktoranckiego w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Securing Claims for Alimony in Separation Cases
Mirosława Jesion, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
PPE 9/2021
Application of Cost Sanctions in the Practice of Bailiffs – Part II
dr Grzegorz Kamieński, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Angelusa Silesiusa w Wałbrzychu
State execution immunity – How Much is Left of the Pacta Sunt Servanda Principle in Investment Arbitration?
dr Jarosław Pączek, adwokat, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London); Izba Adwokacka w Warszawie
Obligation to Pay a Fee on a Complaint about Excessive Duration of Proceedings and its Limitations
Marek Lewandowski, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Toruniu
Problem of Restricting Enforcement against Remuneration Received by a Contractor under a Contract of Mandate
Joanna Szachta, doktorantka w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie; prawnik w kancelarii komorniczej
PPE 8/2021
Application of Cost Sanctions in the Practice of Bailiffs – Part 1
dr Grzegorz Kamieński, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Angelusa Silesiusa w Wałbrzychu
The Farmer’s Responsibility for Damages Caused by Animals and Limitations of Judicial Enforcement
dr Paweł Dzienis, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Białymstoku, wiceprezes Sądu Rejonowego w Białymstoku
Application of Art. 44(2) of the Code of Civil Procedure in Enforcement Proceedings
Paweł Kamiński, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Finansów Publicznych WPiA Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Features of the Legislation of Ukraine Regarding the Execution of Court Decisions on the Recovery of Alimony in Favor of Children
Svetlana Belikova, Head of the Department for the Training of Prosecutors in the Representation of State Interests in the Court of the Institute for Special Training of the National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine, Candidate of Law, Senior Counselor of Justice, Kiev, Ukraine
PPE 7/2021
Prohibition of Abuse of Procedural Law (Art. 4(1) in Conjunction with Art. 13 § 2 of the Civil Procedure Code) in Enforcement Proceedings – Selected Issues
dr Grzegorz Kamieński, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Angelusa Silesiusa w Wałbrzychu
Appointing an Administrator due to the Seizure of Shares in a Limited Liability Company
Joanna Szachta, doktorantka w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie; prawnik w kancelarii komorniczej
Selected Aspects of the Enforcement of Substitutable Activities
Kacper Szczechowicz, aplikant II roku aplikacji komorniczej, Izba Komornicza w Łodzi
Gloss to the Decision of the Regional Court in Olsztyn of 22 February 2018, IX Cz 88/18 (Service by a Bailiff in International Conduct)
Mateusz Pietrzyk, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Chrzanowie
PPE 6/2021
Selected Comments on the Concept of the Ineffectiveness of Enforcement
dr Janusz Nowak, komornik sądowy przy Sądzie Rejonowym w Tarnowie
Halliburton v. Chubb. An Arbitrator’s Duty of Disclosure – Is it a Matter of the Best Practice or a Matter of Law?
dr Jarosław Pączek, adwokat, FCIArb
European Enforcement Order
Karolina Pawiłowicz
Commentary Approving the Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 25 August 2020 (II GSK 560/20). Discrimination of a Judicial Officer Based on Age, i.e. Incompatibility of Art. 19 paragraph 1 Point 2 of the Act Dated of 22nd of March 2018 on Judicial Officers with the Directive 2000/78/WE
dr Cezary Paweł Waldziński, adiunkt w Państwowej Wyższej Szkole Informatyki i Przedsiębiorczości w Łomży (WNSiH); sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Łomży
PPE 5/2021
Additional Description and Estimation in Practice
Mateusz Pietrzyk, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Chrzanowie
Complaint about Excessive Duration of Proceedings in a Case for Granting an Enforcement Clause to a Writ of Execution
Przemysław Jadłowski, doktorant w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Some Peculiarities Regarding the Execution of Court Decisions: Legislative Review
Svetlana Belikova, Head of the Department for the Training of Prosecutors in the Representation of State Interests in the Court of the Institute for Special Training of the National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine, Candidate of Law, Senior Counselor of Justice, Kiev, Ukraine
Considerations on the Basis of a Legal Issue in the Case III CZP 13/20. From the Issue of the Effects of the Sale of the Cooperative Ownership Right to The Premises After Its Seizure in Execution Proceedings
dr hab. Grzegorz Wolak, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Tarnobrzegu, Wydział I Cywilny; wiceprezes Sądu Rejonowego w Stalowej Woli
PPE 4/2021
Considerations Concerning the Constitutionality of the Regulation of Art. 19 Paragraph 1 Point 2 of the Bailiffs Act in the Context of the Prosecutor General’s Request to the Constitutional Tribunal
dr Cezary Paweł Waldziński, adiunkt w Państwowej Wyższej Szkole Informatyki i Przedsiębiorczości w Łomży (WNSiH); sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Łomży
Several Comments on the Legal Status of a Bailiff
Tomasz Orlik, uczestnik seminarium doktorskiego w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Bailiff Auction of a Flat or a Plot of Land Developed with a Residential Building, which Serve to Satisfy the Housing Needs of the Debtor
Paweł Kamiński, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Finansów Publicznych WPiA Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Gloss to the Decision of the Supreme Court of 18 January 2019, III CZP 63/18. Raising the Plea of Limitation of a Claim Established in the Executive Title after the Previous Enforcement of the Time-barred Claim and the Possibility of Claiming a Refund Based on the Provisions on Undue Service
dr hab. Grzegorz Wolak, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Tarnobrzegu, I Wydział Cywilny; wiceprezes Sądu Rejonowego w Stalowej Woli
PPE 3/2021
Enforcement and Execution of Fines Imposed in Criminal Proceedings
dr Tomasz Sobecki, Najwyższa Izba Kontroli Delegatura w Bydgoszczy
The Obligation to Complete Education by Court Bailiffs – Considerations Illa in Extremis Limitibus
dr Cezary Paweł Waldziński, adiunkt w Państwowej Wyższej Szkole Informatyki i Przedsiębiorczości w Łomży (WNSiH); sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Łomży
Differences in the Justification of Court Decisions (Issued in Closed session on General Terms) and Enforcement Proceedings
dr Grzegorz Kamieński, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Angelusa Silesiusa w Wałbrzychu
Review of the Practice of the Supreme Court Regarding Enforcement Proceedings
Svetlana Belikova, Head of the Department for the Training of Prosecutors in the Representation of State Interests in the Court of the Institute for Special Training of the National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine, Candidate of Law, Senior Counselor of Justice, Kiev, Ukraine
Olena Draganow, Doctor of Law, Vice-rector for research work of the University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Irpin, Ukraine
PPE 2/2021
The Minimum Wages for Work as an Amount Free from Deductions in the Execution of the Remuneration for Work
dr Janusz Nowak, komornik sądowy przy Sądzie Rejonowym w Tarnowie
Overlap of Court and Administrative Enforcement in the Current Legal Status
Andrzej Antkiewicz, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Grudziądzu
Amendment of Personal Bankruptcy Law in 2019 vs. Solutions for Insolvent Debtors in England and Wales
Sylwia Sierszeń, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Settlement of Costs of Serving Mailing in the Course of Enforcement Proceedings
Tomasz Badura, doktorant w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
PPE 1/2021
Effectiveness of the Court Enforcement – Selected Practical Issues
prof. dr hab. Piotr Pogonowski, Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Łodzi
Participation in Enforcement Proceedings of a Debtor Deprived of Representation
dr Ireneusz Wolwiak, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
Duty of a Bailiff to Notify a Court of Initiating Enforcement Against Real Estate Located in the Jurisdiction of Several District Courts
Marek Lewandowski, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Toruniu
Assessment of Determining the Competence of a Court in Cases Following a Complaint Against an Action of a Bailiff after 1 January 2019
Przemysław Jadłowski, doktorant w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 12/2020
Limitation of Holding and Conducting an Auction of Real Estate under art. 9521 Code of Civil Procedures
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Judgment in a Case to Reconcile the Content of the Land and Mortgage Register with the Actual Legal State of the Real Estate and ex Officio Discontinuance of the Enforcement Against this Real Estate
dr hab. prof. WSPiA Grzegorz Wolak, Katedra Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Pracy WSPiA Rzeszowskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Rzeszowie; Wiceprezes i Przewodniczący IV Wydziału Pracy Sądu Rejonowego w Stalowej Woli
Institution of Release of a Court Bailiff from Professional Secrecy
dr Cezary Paweł Waldziński, adiunkt w Państwowej Wyższej Szkole Informatyki i Przedsiębiorczości w Łomży; SSR w Grajewie
Bankruptcy of the Bank and the Reservation of Ownership to Property
dr Grzegorz Kamieński, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Angelusa Silesiusa w Wałbrzychu
PPE 11/2020
Effective Enforcement of a Ruling Concerning the Right of Access to a Child in the Light of Strasburg Standards
dr hab. prof. UŁa Aneta Łazarska, Katedra Prawa Cywilnego WPiA Uczelni Łazarskiego; sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie
Enforcement of a Ruling on the Collection of Court Costs from the Damages Awarded – Selected Issues
dr hab. Marcin Uliasz, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego Lublin–Zachod w Lublinie
Stopping the Period of Limitation During Court Enforcement Proceedings Against a Mortgage Creditor
Łukasz Kamiński, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego; radca prawny Piotr Kamiński
Enforcement of the European Account Preservation Order
Karolina Pawiłowicz
PPE 10/2020
About the Application of Regulations of the Act Dated 17th of June 2004 on a Complaint Against the Violation of the Right Held by a Party to Have a Case Recognised in Preparatory Proceedings or Proceedings Supervised by a Prosecutor and in Court Proceedings without Unreasonable Delay According to Strasbourg Standards (Selected Issues)
Marek Lewandowski, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Toruniu
Accumulation of Remission Bases and the Value of a Fee – a Fixed or Pro-rata Fee?
Joanna Szachta, doktorantka w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie; prawnik w kancelarii komorniczej
Evidence from a Testimony of a Witness Given in Writing in the Light of art. 2711 of the Code of Civil Procedures
Magdalena Maria Substelna
Gloss to the Judgement of the Supreme Court Dated 28th of March 2019 (VKK 119/18)
dr hab. Zygmunt Kukuła, funkcjonariusz Policji w Bielsku Białej; pracownik naukowy Wyższej Szkoły Administracji w Bielsku Białej
PPE 9/2020
Judicial Execution on All Shares in Cooperative Society Ownership Right to the Premises
dr hab. prof. WSPiA Grzegorz Wolak, Katedra Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Pracy WSPiA Rzeszowskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Rzeszowie; Wiceprezes i Przewodniczący IV Wydziału Pracy Sądu Rejonowego w Stalowej Woli
Allocation of Funds Paid to a Seized Bank Account for Repayment of a Loan Granted in this Account
dr Tomasz Czech
Instruction to Search for Debtor’s Property as a Condition to Demand the Further Pursue of Enforcement (art. 801 § 4 Code of Civil Proceedings)
Aleksander Nowak, doktorant w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Court Orders from Ukraine and their Execution in the Territory of Other Countries: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
Svetlana Belikova, Head of the Department for the Training of Prosecutors in the Representation of State Interests in the Court of the Institute for Special Training of the National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine, Candidate of Law, Senior Counselor of Justice, Kiev, Ukraine
PPE 8/2020
Legal Situation of an Animal in Civil Enforcement Proceedings
dr Urszula Moszczyńska, asystent w Sądzie Rejonowym w Słupsku
Selected Comments on Art. 29(4) and Art. 29(5) Act on Bailiffs. Demand for de lege ferenda
dr Janusz Nowak, komornik sądowy przy Sądzie Rejonowym w Tarnowie
Personal Property Declaration of a Bailiff – the Issue of Determining a Proper Template of the Form
dr Sebastian Kowalski, adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Karnego i Postępowania Karnego INP Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Anti-enforcement Actions – Legal Nature, Grounds and Rules for Determining the Costs of the Trial, with Particular Emphasis on Problems with the Application of the Article 101 of the Civil Procedure Code
Ewa Jędrzejewska, doktorantka w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego; radca prawny
PPE 7/2020
Impact of the Act Dated 6th of December 2018 on the National Debtor Register on the Transparency of Bankruptcy Proceedings
dr Przemysław Wołowski, starszy referent sądowy w Sądzie Rejonowym dla Warszawy Mokotowa
Determining Unequal Shares in Joint Property Under Bankruptcy Proceedings
Marek Kułak, doktorant w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Waiver of the Right to Challenge or Object to Arbitral Awards in Light of Mandatory National Laws
Jarosław Pączek, adwokat, FCIArb
Deleting Mortgages that Encumber Real Estate, an Announcement of an Auction of a Seagoing Ship, Serving a Distribution Plan and Suspending Enforcement Proceedings of Maintenance Allowance. Comment on Art. 1003, 1019, 1027 and 1083 of the Code of Civil Procedures Amended with the Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 6/2020
About a Deadline for Handling a Complaint Against the Excessive Duration of Proceedings (Comments on the Application of Art. 11 of the Act Dated 17th of June 2004 on a Complaint Against Violating the Right of a Party to Have a Case Examined in Preparatory Proceedings Conducted or Supervised by a Prosecutor and in Court Proceedings without Unreasonable Delay)
Marek Lewandowski, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Toruniu
On the Issue of Implementation of Enforcement of Substitutable Actions
Artur Żurowicz, doktorant w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego; komornik sądowym przy Sądzie Rejonowym Szczecin-Prawobrzeże i Zachód w Szczecinie
Gloss to the Judgement of the Supreme Court of 26 March 2019 (V KK 109/18)
dr hab. Zygmunt Kukuła, funkcjonariusz Policji w Bielsku Białej; pracownik naukowy Wyższej Szkoły Administracji w Bielsku Białej
Disclosing Property, Supervising Enforcement against Real Estate, Announcements in Enforcement against Real Estate, Recording Auction and Winning Bid of a Real Estate. Comments on Art. 916, 9211, 945, 955, 956, 972 and 987 Code of Civil Procedures Amended with the Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 5/2020
Does an Execution Fee Determined by the Bailiff Under a Final Decision Pursuant to art. 770 of the Code of Civil Procedure Become Invalid by Lapse of Time?
dr hab. prof. WSPiA Grzegorz Wolak, Katedra Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Pracy WSPiA Rzeszowskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Rzeszowie; Wiceprezes i Przewodniczący IV Wydziału Pracy Sądu Rejonowego w Stalowej Woli
Bailiff’s Replacement
Joanna Biernacka, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego; komornik sądowy przy Sądzie Rejonowym w Koszalinie
Arbitral Award as an Enforceable Document
Jurgis Bartkus, Vilnius University, Faculty of Law, Department of Private Law
Auction Sale of Movable Property, E-Auction and Property Disclosure. Comment on art. 867, 8792, 8796 and 913 Code of Civil Procedures Amended with Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 4/2020
Selected Aspects of Enforcing Irreplaceable Actions
dr Urszula Moszczyńska, asystent w Sądzie Rejonowym w Słupsku
Subjective Change of Creditor in Enforcement Proceedings
Łukasz Kamiński, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego; radca prawny, Malwina Słomińska-Chełmowska, radca prawny
Gloss to the Judgment of the Supreme Court – Civil Chamber Dated 12th of December 2007 (V CSK 275/07) – Time Limit for Bringing an Action for Release of an Object Seized from Execution and its Influence on the Entry in the Land and Mortgage Register for the Seizure of Real Estate
dr Daniel Jakimiec, referendarz sądowy w Sądzie Rejonowym Lublin-Zachód w Lublinie
Supervision over Seized Movable Property and Sale of Movable Property in a Single-Source Sale. Comment on Art. 855 and 8641 Code of Civil Procedures Amended with Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailif
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 3/2020
Comments on the Evolution of the Complaint on the Action of the Bailiff Under Art. 767 k.p.c.
dr Janusz Nowak
Possibility to Charge a Bailiff with Costs of Complaint Procedure – Selected Issues in View of the Interpretation of Art. 767 § 6 Code of Civil Procedure
Marek Lewandowski, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Toruniu
Participation of the Prosecutor the Executive Management of Ukraine Under Current Conditions
Svetlana Belikova, Head of the Department for the Training of Prosecutors in the Representation of State Interests in the Court of the Institute for Special Training of the National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine, Candidate of Law, Senior Counselor of Justice, Kiev, Ukraine
Estimation of the Value of Seized Movable Property. Comment on art. 853 of the Code of Civil Procedures Amended with the Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Report of the National Scientific Conference ‘Court Enforcement Proceedings. New Legal Solutions’, Cracow, 29 November 2019
dr Joanna Derlatka, adiunkt w Zakładzie Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Pracy WPAiZ Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach; adwokat
PPE 2/2020
Electronic Bailiff Files – Elements and their Archiving
dr hab. prof. ALK Joanna Studzińska, Kierownik Zakładu Postępowania Cywilnego Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego
Personal Rights of a Debtor and their Protection in Enforcement Proceedings – Selected Issues
Joanna Szachta, doktorantka w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie; prawnik w kancelarii komorniczej
Enforcement Against a Married Debtor
Monika Ged, doktorantka w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie; asesor komorniczy
Jurisdiction of Bailiff during Enforcement against Movable Property, Seizure of Movable Property not Owned by a Debtor and Service of a Seizure Notice. Comment on Art. 844, 845 and 847 of the Code of Civil Procedure, Amended with the Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 1/2020
Maximum and Minimum Executive Fees in the Event of Cancellation Enforcement Proceeding Under Art. 825 Pts. 1 K.p.c.
dr Janusz Nowak, asesor komorniczy
Offences concerning Enforcement Fees in the Penal-Fiscal Code
dr Sebastian Kowalski, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Wałbrzychu; Katedra Prawa Karnego i Postępowania Karnego, Instytut Nauk Prawnych Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
Statutory Solutions of Court Enforcement vs. Right to Court
Aleksander Nowak, doktorant w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Suspension and Remission of Enforcement Proceedings and Limitations of Enforcement. Comment on art. 820, 8211, 824, 825, 829, and 833 of the Code of Civil Proceedings Amended with the Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 12/2019
Participation of the Police in Enforcement Activities in the Light of Changes Introduced with the Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs (Journal of Laws from 2018, Item 771, as amended)
Marek Lewandowski, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Toruniu
Position of a Creditor in Enforcement from Financial Instruments Deposited on an Account of Securities or Another Account
Marta Lewandowska-Mroczkowska, doktorantka w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Gloss to the Judgement of the Supreme Court Dated 16th of April 2018 (III Penal Code 373/17, Lex No 2495930)
dr hab. Zygmunt Kukuła, funkcjonariusz Policji w Bielsku Białej; pracownik naukowy Wyższej Szkoły Administracji w Bielsku Białej
Instruction on Limitations of Enforcement, Recording of Enforcement Activities, and Temporal Boundaries of Actions taken by a Bailiff. Comment on art. 805, 8091 and 810 of the Code of Civil Procedures Amended with the Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Legal Nature and Effects of a Refusal to Initiate Enforcement in Court Enforcement Proceedings
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Marciniak, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 11/2019
Impact of Changes Introduced with the Act Dated 11th of April 2003 on the Development of Agricultural System on Pending Enforcement Proceedings
dr Grzegorz Julke, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Local Government Authorities and Problems of Art. 29(6) and (5)(2) of the Act Dated 28th of February 2018 on Bailiff Costs
Artur Pytel, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Samorządu Terytorialnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
Split Payment in the Context of Concurrence of Court and Administrative Enforcement and Art. 1025 Code of Civil Procedures
Adam Andruszkiewicz, doktorant w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Submission of a Property List and Searching for Debtor’s Assets by a Bailiff. Comment on art. 8011 and 8012 Code of Civil Procedures Amended with the Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 10/2019
Meeting Claims Expressed in Foreign Currencies in Bankruptcy Proceedings
dr hab. Artur Nowacki, adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Handlowego WPiA Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego; radca prawny
Search for Assets in the Light of Statutory Changes
Joanna Biernacka, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego; komornik sądowy przy Sądzie Rejonowym w Koszalinie
Change in Legal Status as the Basis for an Opposition Lawsuit (Art. 840 § 1 p. 2 Code of Civil Procedure). Gloss to the Decision of the Supreme Court Dated 15th of March 2018, File No. III CZP 107/17
dr hab. prof. WSPiA Grzegorz Wolak, Katedra Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Pracy WSPiA Rzeszowskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Rzeszowie; Wiceprezes i Przewodniczący IV Wydziału Pracy Sądu Rejonowego w Stalowej Woli
Application for Initiating Enforcement and Proceedings in Case of Risk of Ineffective Enforcement and Unreasonable Applications of a Creditor. Comment on art. 796 and art. 801 of the Code of Civil Procedures Modified with Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 9/2019
Arrest of Ship in Polish and Norwegian Legal Order. Basic Issues
dr Urszula Moszczyńska, asystent w Sądzie Rejonowym w Słupsku
Sale in E-Auction by Bailiff after Amendment to the Code of Civil Procedures with the Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
Agnieszka Domoń, doktorantka w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie; referendarz sądowy w III Wydziale Ksiąg Wieczystych Sądu Rejonowego w Wieliczce
Gloss to Resolution of the Supreme Court 12th of July 2018 (III CZP 60/18)
dr hab. Grzegorz Wolak, adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Prywatnego Wydziału Zamiejscowego Prawa i Nauk o Społeczeństwie KUL w Stalowej Woli, wiceprezes i zastępca Przewodniczącego I Wydziału Cywilnego Sądu Rejonowego w Stalowej Woli
Local Competence of Bailiff, Competences of Police, and Complaint about Bailiff’s Action. Comment on art. 7633, 765, and 767 Code of Civil Procedures, Modified with the Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 8/2019
Protection Against the Suspension of Enforcement Proceedings with Respect to the Right of a Debtor to a Bank Account, Remuneration, and Other Regular Benefits (Comments on art. 8211 of the Code of Civil Procedures)
dr hab. Aneta Łazarska, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie; adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Cywilnego WPiA Uczelni Łazarskiego
Complaint of Performance as the Basis for the Anti-Enforcement Suit (Art. 840 § 1(2) in fine of the Code of Civil Procedures) – Consequences for the Construction of Regulations on Off-Set in a Civil Process
dr Arkadiusz Sadza, asesor sądowy w Sądzie Rejonowym Lublin-Zachód w Lublinie
Excluding a Bailiff. Comment on Art. 7632 Code of Civil Procedures Added with the Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Report on the Polish Academic Conference ‘Court Enforcement Procedures. New Challenges and Perspectives’, Warsaw, 31st of May 2019
Joanna Biernacka (Stempień), doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego; komornik sądowy przy Sądzie Rejonowym w Koszalinie
PPE 7/2019
Determination by the Bailiff of Property Allowing for Satisfying the Creditor
dr Joanna Derlatka, adiunkt w Zakładzie Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Pracy WPAiZ Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach; adwokat
Jurisdiction of a Judicial Officer in the Execution of Real Estate – Selected Issues
Monika Dziewulska, doktorantka w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk; asesor komorniczy
The Role of the National Debtor Register in Consumer Bankruptcy
Agnieszka Gębczyńska, doktorantka w Katedrze Prawa Karnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Selection of the Form of Submitting an Application, Time Limit for Taking Action, Obtaining Information and Instructions From the Participants by Bailiff. Commentary to Articles 760, 761 and 7631 of the Code of Civil Procedure as Amended by the Act Dated 22nd of March 2018 on Bailiffs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 6/2019
Bailiff Fee Determined with a Valid Decision of a Bailiff as Cost of Bankruptcy Proceedings
SSR dr Paweł Janda, Kierownik Sekcji ds. Restrukturyzacyjnych i Upadłościowych w Sądzie Rejonowym w Rzeszowie; adiunkt w Zakładzie Prawa Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego; Przewodniczący Sekcji Prawa Upadłościowego w Instytucie Allerhanda w Krakowie
Availability within the Selection of the Method of Discharging Liabilities of a Creditor in Civil Proceedings
Beata Sadowska, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Gloss to the Judgment of the Court of Appeal in Katowice Dated 28th of July 2017 (II Aka 262/17, Lex No. 2382791)
dr hab. Zygmunt Kukuła, funkcjonariusz Policji w Bielsku Białej; pracownik naukowy Wyższej Szkoły Administracji w Bielsku Białej
PPE 5/2019
Participation and Status of Succession Manager in Court Enforcement Proceedings
dr Joanna Derlatka, adiunkt w Zakładzie Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Pracy WPAiZ Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach; adwokat
Selected Remarks Regarding Decisions Issued on the Basis of Art. 21 Paragraph 1 u.k.k.
dr Janusz Nowak, asesor komorniczy
The Scope of the Court’s Jurisdiction Related to the Estimated Report used as the Basis for the Description and Estimation of the Real Estate. Comments Against the Supreme Court Judgment Dated 26th of January 2018 (II CSK 117/17)
dr Andrzej Stempniak, sędzia w stanie spoczynku
Fixed Fee Due from the Creditor in the Event of Cancellation of Enforcement Proceedings Involving the Enforcement of Court Costs
prof. zw. dr hab. Andrzej Marciniak, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 4/2019
Protection of the Court Enforcement Officer’s Work in the Light of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland – the Outline of Issues
dr Katarzyna Bomba, adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Pracy i Zabezpieczenia Społecznego Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Grounds for the Refusal to Enforce the Arbitral Awards and Settlements in Light of the Draft Convention on the International Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and Awards (Miami Draft) – Part 2
Jarosław Pączek, adwokat w Izbie Adwokackiej w Warszawie
Court Referendary in Enforcement Proceedings – Part 2
Joanna Szachta, doktorantka w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie; prawnik w kancelarii komorniczej
The rules for determining the amount of membership fees to the self-government of bailiffs in the new law on bailiffs
dr hab. Piotr Rączka, Zakład Prawa Administracyjnego UMK w Toruniu
PPE 3/2019
On the Admissibility of a Change Pursuant to Art. 759 § 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure of a Final Decision of a Court Enforcement Officer
dr hab. Grzegorz Wolak, adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Prywatnego Wydziału Zamiejscowego Prawa i Nauk o Społeczeństwie KUL w Stalowej Woli, wiceprezes i zastępca Przewodniczącego I Wydziału Cywilnego Sądu Rejonowego w Stalowej Woli
Grounds for the Refusal to Enforce the Arbitral Awards and Settlements in Light of the Draft Convention on the International Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and Awards (Miami Draft) – Part 1
Jarosław Pączek, adwokat w Izbie Adwokackiej w Warszawie
Court Referendary in Enforcement Proceedings – Part 1
Joanna Szachta, doktorantka w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie; prawnik w kancelarii komorniczej
Application of the Bailiffs Act Dated 22th of March 2018 to Remuneration Due in Cases Instituted Before the Entry Into Force of This Act
prof. dr hab. Marek Kalinowski, Katedra Finansów Publicznych WPiA UMK w Toruniu
PPE 2/2019
Satisfaction of the Creditor as a Result of Enforcement Actions and Ineffectiveness of Bankrupt’s Actions Within the Meaning of Article 128 of the Bankruptcy Law
prof. UO dr hab. Rafał Adamus, Kierownik Zakładu Prawa Gospodarczego, Handlowego i Upadłościowego WPiA Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
Debt Enforcement Against Agricultural Property After 30th of April 2016. Problems Raised in the Judicature
Urszula Moszczyńska, prawnik – współpracownik kancelarii adwokackiej
On the Need to Make an Additional Description and Assessment of Real Estate in Connection with the Provisions of Article 156(3) of the Act on Real Estate Management
Jan Niemiec, asesor komorniczy
A Right to Appeal Against a Court Order on Revoking of Bailiff Act for Re-examination. Gloss to the Resolution of the Supreme Court Dated 14th of September 2016 (III CZP 37/16)
Artur Grajewski, sędzia i wiceprezes Sądu Rejonowego dla m. st. Warszawy w Warszawie, wykładowca KSSiP
dr Paweł Dzienis, sędzia i wiceprezes Sądu Rejonowego w Białymstoku, wykładowca KSSiP
PPE 1/2019
Amounts Free from Seizure in the Enforcement of a Bank Account Based on the Art. 54 of the Banking Law
dr Janusz Nowak, asesor komorniczy
Enforcement on a Bank Account of a Court Officer in the Light of the Act on Court Officers
Artur Pytel, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Samorządu Terytorialnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
Sale of an Enterprise by Court Order in Enforcement Proceedings
Magdalena Tybor, aplikantka w Izbie Adwokackiej w Krakowie
Report from the National Scientific Conference “Judicial Officers and Law Enforcement According to the Anticipated Changes in Statutory Provisions” – Poznań, 19 October 2018
Joanna Biernacka (Stempień), doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego; komornik sądowy przy Sądzie Rejonowym w Koszalinie
PPE 12/2018
Provisions Income or Commision–based Remuneration – Interim Problem
dr Marcin Uliasz, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego Lublin-Zachód w Lublinie
Structure and Size of Enforcement Officers’ Offices and Enforcement Effectiveness with Reference to Amendments of Art. 8 of the Act on Judicial Enforcement Officers and Enforcement Proceedings – Part Two
Kamil Kazimierczak, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Brzezinach
Enforcement of Amounts Paid out from Child Maintenance Fund
Natalia Kublin, asesor komorniczy; słuchaczka seminarium doktoranckiego w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Gloss to the Resolution of the Supreme Court of 30 January 2018 (III CZP 98/17)
Maciej Klonowski, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego Gdańsk-Północ w Gdańsku, delegowany do pełnienia obowiązków w Ministerstwie Sprawiedliwości (Wydział Prawa Cywilnego)
PPE 11/2018
Securing Claims versus Security Granted in the Procedure on Declaring Bankruptcy
prof. zw. dr hab. Sławomir Cieślak, Kierownik Katedry Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego; profesor zwyczajny w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Structure and Size of Enforcement Officers’ Offices and Enforcement Effectiveness with Reference to Amendments of Art. 8 of the Act on Judicial Enforcement Officers and Enforcement Proceedings – Part One
Kamil Kazimierczak, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Brzezinach
Rule of Law and Free Movement of Court Decisions in Globalised Europe
dr Magdalena Konopacka, Katedra Prawa Europejskiego i Komparatystyki Prawniczej WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego; odbywa staż badawczy w ramach projektu ‘Judges under Stress’ (JuS) w Katedrze Prawa Prywatnego Uniwersytetu w Oslo
On Legal Representation Costs in Enforcement Proceedings Based on the Supreme Court Regulation Dated 13th of April 2017
Adam Andruszkiewicz, komornik sądowy przy Sądzie Rejonowym dla Warszawy-Mokotowa
PPE 10/2018
Appointment of a Data Protection Officer by a Judicial Officer
prof. zw. dr hab. Mariusz Jabłoński, kierownik Katedry Prawa Konstytucyjnego WPAiE Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Complaint Against Court Bailiff’s Actions in the New Legal Space – Selected Issues
dr Joanna Derlatka, Zakład Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Pracy WPZiA Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
Can Enforcement Proceedings Be Carried out from the Housing Contribution?
Mariusz Liskowski, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Pracy WPiA Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, asesor komorniczy
Prerequisites and Minimum Standards for the Issuance of Certification as a European Enforcement Order
Paulina Lewandowska, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
PPE 9/2018
The Scope of Applicability of Art. 759 § 2 k.p.c. (Civil Procedure Code) with Reference to Legally Binding Decisions of a Judicial Officer Ending Enforcement Proceedings
Adam Andruszkiewicz, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Electronic Enforcement Proceedings Files-Overview of the Most Important Issues from the Point of View of a Judicial Officer, Parties, and Participants to the Proceedings, and their Statutory Representatives and Attorneys
Artur Pytel, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Samorządu Terytorialnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
Setting up and Making Accounts Available in the ICT system Used in Court Proceedings
Edyta Bryzgalska, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Koninie
The Gloss to the Supreme Court Judgement Dated 26th of October 2016 (III CZP 56/16, OSNC 2017/6/68)
dr Marcin Uliasz, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego Lublin-Zachód w Lublinie
Report from the Ceremony of Presenting the Jubilee Book to Professor Kazimierz Lubiński
dr Grzegorz Sikorski, adwokat
PPE 8/2018
Admissibility of Appeal Against Writ of Enforcement on the Basis of a Decision of a Second Instance Court
dr Aneta Łazarska, Sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie, adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Cywilnego WPiA Uczelni Łazarskiego
Initiation of Enforcement Proceedings Via the ICT System
dr Aleksandra Klich, adiunkt w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Judicial Enforcement of Agricultural Property
Joanna Stempień, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, asesor komorniczy Przemysław Biernacki, notariusz
Limitation of Enforcement Against Items Owned by a Farmer Running an Agricultural Farm
Aleksander Nowak, doktorant w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA UAM w Poznaniu
PPE 7/2018
The Offense of Enforcement Frustration from the Point of View of Case Law
dr hab. Zygmunt Kukuła, pracownik naukowy Wyższej Szkoły Administracji w Bielsku-Białej, funkcjonariusz Policji w Bielsku-Białej
Legal Nature of Adverse Actions to Enforcement Regulated by the Executive Penal Code
Michał Szulczewski, doktorant w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Duties of a Court and Administrative Enforcement Officer in the Proceedings of an Entry into Land and Mortgage Register in Enforcement against Immovable Property
Tomasz Kwiecień, doradca podatkowy
The Jurisdiction of the Court in the Enforceability Clause’s Proceedings Regulated in Article 788 of Civil Procedure Code. Comment to the Supreme Court Resolution Dated 13th of May 2015, III CZP 15/15
Przemysław Jadłowski, uczestnik seminarium magisterskiego na WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
PPE 6/2018
Acquisition of Ownership of a Property from the Obligor in Security or Injunction Proceedings
dr Przemysław Wołowski, referendarz sądowy przy Sądzie Rejonowym dla Warszawy-Mokotowa
Stay of Enforcement Proceedings Upon a Request in the Light of the Principle of Disposition
Beata Sadowska, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Actions Taken Against Maintenance Allowance Debtors based on the Act Dated 7th of September 2007 on Aid to Persons Entitled to Maintenance Allowance
Sławomira Kotas, asystent w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Report on the Polish Scientific Conference ‘Court Judicial Officers and Enforcement Proceedings According to the Planned Amendments in the Regulations’ – Dated 23rd of March 2018, Białystok
Joanna Stempień, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, asesor komorniczy
PPE 5/2018
Results of Attachment of Shares in a Limited Company (sp. z o.o.) in Enforcement Proceedings and the Ability to Execute Corporate Rights by a Creditor or Debtor
Sławomir Bielski, doktorant w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Power of Attorney in Relation to ICT System Serving the Purpose of Electronic Writ-of-payment Proceedings
Artur Pytel, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Samorządu Terytorialnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
Constitutionality of the Extension of the Jurisdiction of the Court Clerk in Execution Proceedings
Szymon Śniady, aplikant sędziowski w Krajowej Szkole Sądownictwa i Prokuratury w Krakowie
Legal Basis for Charging Proportional Fee under Art. 49 Paragraph 1 of the Act on Judicial Enforcement Officers and Enforcement Proceedings, after the Judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal Dated 28th of June 2017, P 63/14, Came into Force
prof. zw. dr hab. Mariusz Jabłoński, kierownik Katedry Prawa Konstytucyjnego WPAiE Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
PPE 4/2018
Procedural Effects of a Fault of an ICT System Supporting Civil Procedure
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
On Legitimacy of Judicial Officers Chamber Council in Administrative Procedure Concerning Appointment of a Judicial Officer to a Vacant Position
Dominika Branicka, doktorantka w Katedrze Prawa Cywilnego i Międzynarodowego Obrotu Gospodarczego WPiA Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu dr Tomasz Brzezicki, adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Administracyjnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
The Functions of the Proportional Fee from Enforced Payments – de Lege Ferenda Postulates
Janusz Nowak, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Ustrojowego Porównawczego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, asesor komorniczy
Comments Based on the Resolution of the Supreme Court with a Set of 7 Judges, Dated 6th of November 2007 (III CZP 93/07). Part Two
Maciej Klonowski, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego Gdańsk-Północ w Gdańsku, delegowany do pełnienia obowiązków w Ministerstwie Sprawiedliwości (Wydział ds. komorników sądowych)
PPE 3/2018
Admissibility of Applying Limitations of Enforcement Against Other Receivables During the Procedure of Enforcement Against a Bank Account
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postepowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The Notion of Ineffective Enforcement and its Importance in the Context of Material Law Regulations in Jurisprudence
Urszula Moszczyńska, doktorantka w Zakładzie Postepowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Comments Based on the Resolution of the Supreme Court with a Set of 7 Judges, Dated 6th of November 2007 (ref no III CZP 93/07). Part One
Maciej Klonowski, sędzia Sadu Rejonowego Gdańsk-Północ w Gdańsku, delegowany do pełnienia obowiązków w Ministerstwie Sprawiedliwości (Wydział ds. komorników sadowych)
On the Continuance of Enforcement by Judical Officers on the Grounds of Administrative Transcripts of Enforcement Titles, after 8th of September 2016
Adam Andruszkiewicz, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
PPE 2/2018
A Convertible Seizure in the German Law Systems
dr Maciej Muliński, adiunkt w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Court Expert in Enforcement Proceedings (Part Three). Specific Issues, Appraisal of Immovable Property and of a Sea Vessel
Joanna Lipińska, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Consequences of the Supreme Court’s Resolution Dated 26th of October 2016, III CZP 56/16, Regarding Enforcement Proceeding Affecting Banks
Artur Grajewski, wiceprezes Sądu Rejonowego dla miasta Warszawy w Warszawie Małgorzata Żmijewska, aplikantka aplikacji sędziowskiej w Krajowej Szkole Sądownictwa i Prokuratury
Preparatory Actions for Description and Appraisal of Immovable Property in Administrative Enforcement Proceedings
Tomasz Kwiecień, doradca podatkowy
PPE 1/2018
Enforcement Against a Spouse’s Share in Common Property Assets after Statutory Joint Property of Spouses Ceases to Exist
dr hab. Grzegorz Wolak, wiceprezes i przewodniczący V Wydziału Ksiąg Wieczystych Sądu Rejonowego w Stalowej Woli, adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Prywatnego Wydziału Zamiejscowego Prawa i Nauk o Społeczeństwie KUL w Stalowej Woli
Does opening and search of a debtor’s apartment by a judicial officer as provided for in the first sentence of Art. 814 § 1 meet the requirements of Art. 50 of the Polish Constitution?
Arkadiusz Brodziak, doktorant w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Court Expert in Enforcement Proceedings (Part Two). Detailed Issues
Joanna Lipińska, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Removal of Mortgage Entries Which Were Created after Award of a Bid and Before Transfer of Ownership of an Immovable Property Acquired in the Course of Court Enforcement Proceedings
ariusz Budnik, adwokat Łukasz Kamiński, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, radca prawny
PPE 12/2017
Practical Use of the Report Regarding the Current State of Affairs Drawn up by a Judicial Officer
prof. dr hab. Elwira Marszałkowska-Krześ, Dyrektor Instytutu Prawa Cywilnego WPAiE Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego dr hab. Izabella Gil prof. UWr, Katedra Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Prywatnego WPAiE Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Description and Valuation of Property in Enforcement Proceedings Initiated after 7 September 2016
Andrzej Antkiewicz, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Grudziądzu
Analysis of the Concept of the Workload of a Judicial Officer. Postulates de lege lata and de lege ferenda
Janusz Nowak, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Ustrojowego Porównawczego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, asesor komorniczy
Lietuvoje antstolis. The Judicial Officer in Lithuania. System of Financing the Execution Costs in Lithuania
Tomasz Chojnacki, dokotorant w Katedrze Prawa Podatkowego WPiA Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie, komornik sądowy przy Sądzie Rejonowym w Obornikach
PPE 11/2017
Seizure of a Real Estate being a Part of a Common Property of Spouses
Agnieszka Konieczna – doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, referent prawny
Change of the Character of the Parties Interrogation before Enforcement Proceedings Are Stayed or Discontinued (art. 827 § 1 Civil Procedure Code) and the Principle of the Equal Rights of the Parties – with Special Regard to Hearing before Discontinuance due to Ineffective Execution. Selected Issues
Monika Dziewulska, doktorantka w Instytucie Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, asesor komorniczy
A Gloss to the Constitutional Tribunal Judgment of 28 June 2017 (file no P 63/14) on the Conformity of art. 49 Item 1 of the Law on Judicial Officers and Enforcement Proceedings (Concerning the Proportional Fee for the Enforcement Proceedings)
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Bałaban, kierownik Katedry Prawa Konstytucyjnego i Integracji Europejskiej WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Report on the International Science Conference „Notarial Enforcement Titles. Between Tradition and Future”, Łódź, 7 April, 2017
Justyna Sadowska, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, aplikantka notarialna w Izbie Notarialnej w Łodzi Beata Sadowska, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
PPE 10/2017
The Concept of Gradus Executionis in the German Law Systems
dr Maciej Muliński, adiunkt w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Court Expert in Execution Proceedings. General Issues (Part One)
Joanna Lipińska, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
„The One Who Gains Is the One Who Ventures” – Are There Any Specified Limits to a Judicial Officer’s Liability?
Artur Pytel, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Samorządu Terytorialnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
Defence of a Spouse of a Debtor not Covered by an Enforcement Title in Enforcement Proceedings. Gloss to the Decision of the Supreme Court of 5 October 2016, III CZP 41/16
Joanna Stempień, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, asesor komorniczy
PPE 9/2017
A European Account Preservation Order – a New Legal Instrument Introduced by Regulation (EU) No 655/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Justyna Piasecka, adwokat Nadzór judykacyjny jako forma kontroli sądu nad komornikiem. Ograniczenia podejmowania przez sąd czynności nadzorczych w trybie art. 759 § 2 k.p.c.
Judicial Supervision as a Form of Court Control over a Judicial Officer. Restrictions to the Supervisory Actions Taken by the Court in Accordance with Art.759 § 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure
Paulina Lewandowska, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
A Gloss to the Constitutional Tribunal Judgment of 28 June 2017, P 63/14
Prof. dr hab. Zygmunt Tobor, Katedra Teorii i Filozofii Prawa WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach Dr hab. Sławomir Tkacz, Katedra Teorii i Filozofii Prawa WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
Informatisation of Court Execution Proceedings. Polish and Lithuanian Experience. A Report on the Warsaw International Conference of 24 March 2017
Paweł Dzienis, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Białymstoku
PPE 8/2017
Electronisation of Service and Notices Delivery in Court Execution Proceedings
dr hab. prof. US Kinga Flaga-Gieruszyńska, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
On the Implementation of Art. 41-43 of the Brussels I bis Regulation into the Polish Legal Order
Kamil Kazimierczak, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Brzezinach
Complaint on the Judicial Officer’s Actions – Intertemporal Problems. Practical Remarks
Artur Grajewski, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego dla Warszawy Pragi-Północ w Warszawie
Remuneration of Substitute Judicial Officer Appointed Under Art. 26 of the Law of 29 August 1997 on Judicial Officers and Execution Proceedings
Natalia Stojanowska, radca prawny
Execution Costs of a Property Collateral Decision Issued Under Art. 291 of the Penal Procedure Code in the Light of the Supreme Court Resolution of 26 February 2015 (III CZP 96/14) and the Legislator’s Intentions
Artur Pytel, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Samorządu Terytorialnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
Means of Appeal System in the Court Execution Proceedings – a Report on the Polish Nationwide Scientific Conference, 5 December 2016, Lublin
dr Aleksandra Klich, adiunkt w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
PPE 7/2017
Enforcement Procedure Fees. Two Remarks on the Law as it Should Be (De Lege Ferenda)
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Marciniak, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
At what Minimal Time-Limit Can the Bailiff Sell Movable Property Seized in the Course of the Civil Judicial Enforcement Proceedings? Remarks on the Ground of the Amended Article 864 Section 1 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure
dr Andrzej Olaś, Zakład Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie, adwokat przy Krakowskiej Izbie Adwokackiej w Krakowie
The Procedural Admissibility of Restitutio in Integrum in Writ-of-payment Proceedings
dr Aneta Łazarska, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie
Court Enforcement of Judgement Debt from Open Investment Funds Shares
Patrycja Kosiorek, doktorantka w Katedrze Prawa Cywilnego i Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
Practical Aspects of Description and Estimation in Execution of Debt by Seizure of Real Estate
Łukasz Sęk, asesor komorniczy
The Gloss to the Supreme Court Judgement of 17 April 2015 r., III CZP 9/15
Maciej Kaczmarzyk, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Cywilnego i Handlowego WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Komornik sądowy przy SR w Kluczborku
PPE 6/2017
Execution Costs in the Division of a Sum Obtained from an Execution
dr hab. prof. UŁ Ireneusz Kunicki, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The Sale of Movables by Electronic Auction
Agnieszka Pyrgies, uczestniczka seminarium magisterskiego na WPAiE Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Civil Liability of Court Expert in Executive Proceedings – Selected Aspects
Mateusz Niedźwiecki, uczestnik seminarium magisterskiego na WPAiE Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
The Gloss to the Resolution of the Supreme Court from 29th of June 2016, III CZP 29/16
Artur Grajewski, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego dla Warszawy Pragi-Północ w Warszawie
Report of the Polish National Science Conference „Execution proceedings and other enforcement proceedings”, Szczecin, November 16, 2016
Joanna Stempień, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, asesor komorniczy
PPE 5/2017
The Settlement of Enforcement Costs Following the Resolution of an Enforcement Joinder
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Marciniak, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Admissibility of Complaints Against the Excessive Length of Enforcement-Warrant Proceedings
dr Aneta Łazarska, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Warszawie
The Call for Payment of Debt in Accordance with Article 923 of the Code of Civil Procedure and any Actions Related Thereto (Selected Issues)
Agnieszka Konieczna, referent prawny w Kancelarii Komornika Sądowego przy Sądzie Rejonowym w Kaliszu
Joinder of Judicial and Administrative Enforcement Before and After 8th of September 2016 – Comparison
Barbara Guzik, uczestniczka seminarium magisterskiego na WPAiE Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
„Enforcement Proceedings Related to the Attachment of Immovable Property. Main Development Trends” – Report from the Polish Scientific Conference Held in Białystok on 14 October 2016
dr Aleksandra Klich, adiunkt w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
PPE 4/2017
Judicial Enforcement Officer – Working on a Freelance Basis?
prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Lubiński, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Teleinformatics System Serving Enforcement Proceedings – Concept Analysis
dr Marcin Uliasz, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego Lubin-Zachód w Lublinie
Determination and Enforcement of the Costs Due to the Participants and Experts in Enforcement Proceedings
dr Grzegorz Julke, adiunkt w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Judicial Enforcement on Real Estate. The Basic Directions for Change – a Report from the National Scientific Conference Held in Rzeszów on 07.10.2016
dr Aleksandra Klich, adiunkt w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
PPE 3/2017
Mutual Relationship Between Art. 775(1) of the Code of Civil Procedure and Art. 8.8 of the Act on Judicial Enforcement Officers and Enforcement Proceedings
dr hab. prof. UŁ Monika Michalska-Marciniak, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Appeal Before the Judge-commissioner Against Actions of a Bankrupt Detrimental to the Creditors of the Bankruptcy Estate – the Legal Nature of Protection – Part III
dr Piotr Gil, adiunkt w Zakładzie Prawa i Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
The Range of Activities of a Court Referendary in Enforcement and Enforcement-warrant Proceedings After the Introduction of Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure Under the Act of 10 July 2015
dr Łukasz Zamojski, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego w Gliwicach
Costs of Enforcement in the Case of the Cancellation, Change, or Loss of Validity of the Enforcement Order, or the Unnecessary Initiation of Enforcement
Wiesław Grajdura, sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Tarnowie
Initiation of Execution Proceedings by Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Beata Sadowska, doktorantka w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Enforceability of Adjudication Concerning the Dissolution of Co-ownership of Real Estate
Cezary Dzierzbicki, doktorant w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego Instytutu Prawa Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
PPE 2/2017
The Notion of a Computerised System in Civil Procedures
dr hab. prof. US Kinga Flaga-Gieruszyńska, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Execution of Enforcement Costs
dr hab. prof. UŁ Józef Jagieła, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego II WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
About the Application of Article 843 § 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure in the Light of the Wording of Article 207 of the Code of Civil Procedure – Practical Aspects
Kamil Kazimierczak, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego dla Łodzi-Widzewa w Łodzi
Discussion of Subjects of Penal Liability for the Crime of Preventing Enforcement to the Detriment of a Creditor – Part II
Artur Flak, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Konstytucyjnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach Katarzyna Szołtysik, asesor w Prokuraturze Rejonowej w Zabrzu
Commentary to the Resolution of Supreme Court of 26 June 2014 (III CZP 30/14). Several Comments in the light of the Act of 10 July 2015 on the Amendment of the Civil Code Act, Civil Procedures Code Act and Some Other Acts
Justyna Serkies, doktorantka w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego w Instytucie Prawa Cywilnego WPAiE Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Changes to the Legal Environment – Changes to the Legal Order in Poland. Report on the Second Panel of the 7th Receivables Management Congress, Warsaw, 22 November 2016
Mateusz Sztandur, doktorant w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
PPE 1/2017
A few Comments on the Differentiation of Non-litigious Proceedings from Civil Proceedings on the Margin of a Report from the National Congress of Civil Proceedings Departments and Institutes in Wrocław, between 18th and 20th September 2015
prof. zw. dr hab. Kazimierz Lubiński, Katedra Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Electronic Enforcement Title
dr Joanna Bodio, adiunkt w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego i Międzynarodowego Prawa Handlowego WPiA Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, radca prawny
Differentiation of Enforcement Procedures Depending on the Origin of Liabilities. Consequences for the State and Parties of Procedures
Jacek Wojciech Hajdukiewicz, doktorant w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, asesor komorniczy
Discussion of Subjects of Penal Liability for the Crime of Preventing Enforcement to the Detriment of a Creditor – Part 1
Artur Flak, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Konstytucyjnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach Katarzyna Szołtysik, asesor w Prokuraturze Rejonowej w Zabrzu
The Relation Between Legal Validity in the Civil Proceedings and the Adverse Claim Based on Article 840 § 1 pt. 2
Natalia Misiura, uczestniczka seminarium magisterskiego w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Report from Conference „Entities in Civil Proceedings” Katowice. 22-23 September 2016
Anna Banaszewska, doktorantka w Zakładzie Postępowania Cywilnego WPAiE Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
PPE 12/2016
Debt Reduction as One of the Primary Objectives in Bankruptcy Proceedings
dr Przemysław Wołowski, referendarz sądowy przy Sądzie Rejonowym dla Warszawy-Mokotowa
The Tasks of Municipalities in Satisfying the Housing Needs of Self-Government Community Members and Eviction, Understood as Certainty of Protection against Homelessness
Artur Pytel, doktorant w Katedrze Prawa Samorządu Terytorialnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, aplikant komorniczy w Izbie Komorniczej w Katowicach
The Gloss to the Resolution of the Supreme Court from 19 February 2015, III CZP 103/14
Artur Grajewski, sędzia Sądu Rejonowego dla Warszawy Pragi-Północ w Warszawie
Court Enforcement Proceedings. Key Directions of Changes in 2016 – Report from the Polish Scientific Conference, Gdańsk, 19 September 2016
dr Aleksandra Klich, adiunkt w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Review of Monograph, Legal Status of Judicial Officer. Contemporary Chellenges, Academic Editing by M. Jabłoński i A. Marciniak
dr hab. Andrzej Zieliński, emerytowany profesor Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
PPE 11/2016
The Principle of Minimal Nuisance of Security Adjudicated in the Criminal Procedure
dr Maciej Muliński, adiunkt w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego I WPiA Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Administrative Resolution Granting Benefits from the Maintenance Fund as the Enforceable Title Carried out Only in the Court Enforcement Proceedings
Jarosław Ziętara, doktorant w Katedrze Postępowania Administracyjnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, komornik przy Sądzie Rejonowym dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia
Appeal Before the Judge-commissioner Against Actions of a Bankrupt Detrimental to the Creditors of the Bankruptcy Estate – Relative Inefficiency – Part II
dr Piotr Gil, adiunkt w Zakładzie Prawa i Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
Legal Professions in Accordance to the Computerization of Civil Procedure – Report from National Scientific Conference, Szczecin, June 10, 2016
dr Aleksandra Klich, adiunkt w Katedrze Postępowania Cywilnego WPiA Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
PPE 10/2016
PPE 9/2016
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